District Heating

Energy recovery through a flue gas condenser

The flue gas condenser stands at the center of a number of initiatives aiming at implementing energy recovery in various industries and sectors. Imperatives such as improving energy efficiency and reducing operational costs have become strong motivators for the development of new technologies. Among[..]
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District Heating, District Cooling

Positive energy district: advancing urban energy transformation

The rise of the Positive Energy District (PED) model marks a significant shift in urban energy management, offering a promising alternative for urban decarbonization.
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District Heating

Heating in Finland: towards sustainable energy consumption

A look at the heating in Finland landscape reveals how the country has been at the forefront of sustainable heating practices for decades.
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District Heating, Data Center

Data center and district heating: an outstanding combination

The convergence of data centers and district heating marks a pivotal advancement towards economies where sustainability and cost-efficiency are priorities.
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District Heating

District heating in Canada: the way forward for sustainability

District heating in Canada has been experiencing a significant surge in recent times.
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District Heating

District heating in UK: a low carbon solution for cities

The current state of district heating in the UK sees any progress in this area as a pivotal shift in the battle against climate change.
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District Heating

Beyond Efficiency: navigating the benefits of Water-Source Heat Pump Systems

In the current context, where the pursuit of efficiency and sustainability are becoming the norm, the water-source heat pump system stands out.
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District Heating

Decarbonize heat using urban wastewater heat recovery

Wastewater heat recovery systems represent a pivotal initiative in today's sustainable landscape, offering a solution to a number of both environmental and economic challenges.
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District Heating

Heating systems in Germany: an overview

The landscape of heating systems in Germany is undergoing a profound transformation in the current moment, one that will bring lasting changes towards sustainability.
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District Heating

District heating in Europe: consumer perceptions and the role of regulations

The increasing integration of district heating in Europe is directly linked to the current environmental challenges in the continent and beyond. In the quest for sustainability, district heating has emerged as a pragmatic solution effective at reducing carbon emissions and fostering responsible ener[..]
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District Heating

Large-scale heat pumps in Europe: applications in several industrial sectors

The widespread adoption of industrial (or large-scale) heat pumps in Europe represents a major contribution to the continent’s efforts in achieving energy efficiency and decarbonization.
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District Heating

Active magnetic bearings for optimized system efficiency

The use of active magnetic bearings has been on the rise, owing to this system’s increased efficiency, its high-speed capabilities and low maintenance needs.
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