District Heating

Energy efficient cities: best practices

The net-zero carbon future that is today envisioned by both public and private institutions must necessarily involve a transition towards energy efficient cities.
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District Heating

What is CHP? Definition and applications

The question of ‘what is CHP?’ doesn’t exist in a vacuum, but as part of a larger discussion on how heating technologies can reach a more sustainable approach. For a few years now, governmental authorities, citizens and companies have been questioning the types of transformations that need to happen[..]
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District Heating

Everything you need to know about ground source heat pumps

While ground source heat pumps have been around since the late 1940s, they’re living a particularly favorable moment at the time. As more private and public entities seek ways to advance towards sustainable heating technologies, the use of ground source heating stands out as particularly environment[..]
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Data centers and heat pumps: a winning combination

The combination of data centers and heat pumps stands at the center of a key problem within modern data centers. As these structures are increasingly in charge of powering the global economic system, the strategies towards achieving energy efficiency in their operation have become a crucial issue.
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District Heating

Best heating sources for a district heating system

Picking the right heating sources for a district heating project is often decisive on that system’s efficiency in terms of economic and environmental impact. To begin with, a district heating system approach stands out as a more sustainable and cost-efficient option, helping optimize urban heating s[..]
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District Heating

High temperature heat pumps for industry

In the quest for achieving carbon neutrality, high temperature heat pumps have become one of the key components for the industrial sector, representing a feasible alternative technology that enhances efficiency and minimizes fossil fuel burning.
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District Heating

Renewable heating system: generate heat from sea water

Recent years have seen a relentless search for a transition towards sustainability in heating. As such, the incorporation of the right renewable heating system stands at the center of many of these efforts.
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District Heating

The heating systems of the future: the shape of heat to come

Heating systems today are facing the need of reconfigurations to face the needs of the future. As meeting the energy demands of the future will necessarily mean high energy performance, all players in the field of heating are searching for the right structures that can address this issue while remai[..]
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District Heating

4 things to consider in a district heating plant

The district heating plant represents the heart of any district heating system, pumping energy, as such, its optimum design and efficiency shouldn’t be underestimated.
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Thermal Energy Storage

Discover all the uses of thermal energy

The uses of thermal energy have been increasing in number and importance as modern society puts a growing weight on finding reliable and sustainable sources of power.
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Turbine Inlet Air Cooling

What is a steam turbine and how does it work?

The steam turbine has been a crucial component in processes related to the generation of energy. As society is more and more involved in looking at how energy is created and the sustainability and efficiency of the process, addressing the question of ‘what is a steam turbine’ and how this technology[..]
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District Heating, District Energy, District Cooling

5th generation district heating and cooling systems as a renewable solution

5th generation district heating and cooling (also known as 5GDHC) represents a new stage in district heating and cooling systems in which energy efficiency and decarbonization are brought a step further.
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