District Energy, District Cooling

NPLV rating system application for chilled water plants

According some studies made in Middle East, chillers use over 40 % of all the energy in industrial and commercial space cooling. Therefore, it is understandable that designers are concerned about chiller efficiency. Several factors — poor maintenance, poor operation, improper sizing, etc affect this[..]
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District Cooling

Abdali District Heating and Cooling project

Abdali is Amman’s new downtown district that provides the Jordanian capital with a central business, social and residential destination that the city requires as a regional hub of business and tourism. In Abdali there have been many modern and luxury buildings developed. Towers, residences, business[..]
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District Heating, District Cooling

Comparison between Water-Cooled Systems and Air-Cooled Systems

The role of a district cooling system is to distribute cooling energy from a centralized production plant using an underground pipeline to a district. It is the perfect replacement for older air conditioning systems because of its lower energy consumption, reduced annual maintenance costs, and envir[..]
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District Cooling

District Cooling System: why is Direct Condensation Better?

In this era of limited resources, energy efficiency and environmental conservation are critical steps for district cooling systems. Consider the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, the tallest building in the world. At 828m in height, the magnificent structure can be a nightmare to cool down. However, the coolin[..]
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