Sustainable Cooling Technologies & Environmentally Friendly

In this new era that is the 21ST century, we have the possibility to re-adjust our tools, objectives and technologies to aim towards a greener, more efficient and sustainable future.

During the last years, District Energy has been gaining relevance over conventional technologies. Particularly speaking about District Cooling for countries where the cooling is part of the day to day because of the hot climate conditions and is being produced by conventional equipment which are not the more advanced and efficient solutions of the market.

Traditional cooling systems are evolving towards more efficient and environmentally friendly models, such as District Cooling. This centralised approach not only reduces environmental impact, but also optimises energy and water consumption. However, recent developments are making a difference in the sector.

Below, we explore the key factors and emerging innovations that are transforming the sustainable cooling industry.

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Key factors for sustainability in Cooling Systems

There are some factors to take into consideration to make choices regarding the sustainable air cooling systems nowadays, the below mentioned are some of the most relevant.

1. Energy efficiency and water consumption for a sustainable air-cooled cooling system.

According with the International Energy Agency (IEA) 20% of the total electricity being used worldwide every year is for cooling purposes. That is why is so important to increase the efficiency in this kind of applications and save energy. Power and water consumption are two of the main targets of every District Cooling Plant, the sustainability of a system can be determined depending on the climatic conditions and the application of different condensing technologies.

Some examples of efficient and ecological heat dissipation systems integrated to a District Cooling System are:

air coolers and solar energy
Air-coolers combined with Solar energy

Is well known that the Air-Cooled technology is not the most efficient, nevertheless, if the last generation of air coolers are implemented with Solar Energy as source of power it has a huge potential due to its Zero water consumption and Zero water contamination. We should consider that this combined application involves Zero fossil fuels for the electricity production too. 


seawater-cooled condensers
Seawater-cooled Condensers

This kind of condensing technology is one of the most environmentally friendly, combines the high efficiency of a liquid heat transference factor with a natural source of water (seawater of river water), then, there is high quality heat transfer and zero water consumption.


Every project is different and has its own constraints, these are examples of what can be implemented with District Cooling, being an example of what can be achieved environmentally speaking.

2. Ecological footprint of cooling systems

ecological footprint

This centralized cooling method leaves a minimum footprint in the environment, it has been proven to be sustainable in cooling applications as latest generation developments within developed countries that take these environmental advantages to be sustainable.

The opportunity areas for the District Cooling are set and are clear, there is no doubt that this technology has come to stay and help. This kind of technology is placing the foundations to have among others the following benefits:

  • Less ozone depletion potential and global warming substances emissions
  • Reduced electricity consumption
  • Less water consumption and water contamination due to chemical treatment
  • Reduced noise and visual contamination

The future of sustainable cooling

Switching to cleaner, more efficient technologies is no longer an option, it is a necessity. The technology implemented by District Cooling is not only laying the foundations for a greener future, it is also proving that it can reduce the annual Carbon Dioxide emissions by almost 1 Ton of CO2 for every Refrigeration Ton (3.517 kW) delivered.

With advances such as immersion cooling, thermal batteries and the integration of renewable energy, the horizon for sustainable refrigeration is promising. These technologies, combined with stricter international regulations, are paving the way for planet-friendly air conditioning.

At ARANER, we have implemented sustainable cooling solutions in several projects. For example, in the Badra Oil Field, we developed a TESTIAC system that optimises gas turbine power without water consumption, improving energy efficiency. Similarly, in the Abdali District in Amman, Jordan, we designed a centralised heating and cooling plant that has become a benchmark for sustainability in the region.

These cases demonstrate our commitment to implementing advanced technologies that promote a greener and more efficient future. If you are interested in exploring sustainable cooling solutions, contact our team to find the technology that best suits your needs.

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