District Cooling

Environmental Consideration of Chillers for District Cooling Plants

District Cooling plants have become an increasingly popular option to provide cost-effective, efficient cooling to business districts and communities.
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Water Chiller Plant: many options available

There are many options available for generating chilled water. Perhaps none does so more efficiently than the water-cooled chiller, an essential part of Industrial Refrigeration. A water-cooled chiller is designed specifically to remove heat from a cooling system and transfer that heat elsewhere. Wa[..]
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Turbine Inlet Air Cooling

Gas Turbine Power: Trends, performance, and solutions

The Power Generation industry is driven by efficiency, and recent industry trends, as well as trends looking beyond 2020, reflect that. The use of renewable energy and natural gas is becoming popular at power plants across the globe, and these trends, among others, offer opportunities for innovation[..]
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District Cooling

A District Cooling Plant in Dubai with ARANER

ARANER is a worldwide engineering firm developing groundbreaking, custom solutions in commercial heating, cooling, and industrial refrigeration. We pride ourselves on our work in District Cooling due to its ability to solve the real issues of the future, including rising populations and temperatures[..]
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Thermal Energy Storage

Best thermal energy storage system with a stratified water tank

Thermal energy storage (TES) systems have become popular in recent years and have taken many forms over that time. Some forms need energy, others require chemicals, and yet others may entail both. We consider using a Thermal Energy Storage system when a divergence exists between the thermal energy s[..]
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Turbine Inlet Air Cooling

Manuel Guerrero: ARANER TIAC Specialist

Turbine Cooling is one of ARANER’s main areas of expertise, with ARANER having implemented projects throughout the world and particularly the Middle East, for big names like Saudi Aramco. Manuel Guerrero has been a Turbine Inlet Air Cooling (TIAC) Specialist with ARANER since 2014. To discover more [..]
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District Cooling

Natural water cooling systemy: use river or sea-water based

District Cooling (DC) systems, an efficient system featuring a centralized cooling plant which serves a group of buildings, have grown increasingly popular as nations seek efficient ways to meet growing cooling demands. DC owes the rise in its popularity to its proven ability to be as much as 50% mo[..]
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Thermal Energy Storage

Thermal Energy Storage System: where it can make a difference and why

Thermal Storage Benefits Thermal Energy Storage (TES) is a technology whereby thermal energy is produced during off-peak hours and stored for use during peak demand. TES is most widely used to produce chilled water during those off-peak times to provide cooling when the need for both cooling and pow[..]
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Heat Rejection: Which condensation technology is best?

During the refrigeration or industrial cooling cycle, heat is extracted from a cold system and thus needs to be rejected to a hot system. In order to achieve this, there are many heat rejection methods, and ARANER are specialists in the top 5 condensation technologies for heat rejection. First, the [..]
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Turbine Inlet Air Cooling

TIAC and Power Production in the Middle East

Growing Power Demands of the Middle East The power demands in the Middle East continue to grow exponentially as the population of the region grows. Other contributing factors to the ever-increasing power demands of the region include:
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Turbine Inlet Air Cooling

Cogeneration Gas Turbine - Power Plant: Trends 2019

2019 is already halfway over, and with it, many trends in the Power Generation Industry seem to be underway. Natural gas-fired power plants continue to be on the rise with natural gas being readily available and reasonably priced in many areas of the world. Natural gas is expected to continue to hav[..]
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Thermal Energy Storage

TES & District Heating: How to integrate heat pumps

Traditionally, the heating in homes and many commercial buildings has been provided by boilers burning fossil fuels. These methods were not only inefficient, but also have been responsible for the emission of substantial amounts of greenhouse gases. Many cities in Europe and throughout the world hav[..]
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