Energy Industry

Major Challenges and Opportunities in the Energy Sector

As the new decades begins, the energy industry, especially the oil and gas area, is receiving incessant public criticism. Demand for energy is on a record high, but public opposition to fossil fuels gathers momentum every day. The so-called global energy transition is not helping matters either. For[..]
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District Heating

Geothermal heating: how it works

Geothermal heating stands out today as one of the most sustainable heating alternatives. Derived from a constant, renewable source of underground temperatures and paired with advanced technologies such as geothermal heat pumps, entire cities and projects are adopting this option for its multiple eco[..]
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District Heating

Combined heat and power and heat pumps: which is the future?

The quest for increased efficiency and sustainability in heating technologies have led to multiple iterations and formulas in recent times. In this search, both combined heat and power (CHP) and heat pumps have been considered as viable options for improving performance in district heating structure[..]
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Industrial refrigerant used in chillers and refrigeration plants

What is an ideal industrial refrigerant? There is no absolute answer to this question. No refrigerant fits the requirements 100 % for all cooling plants. An ideal refrigerant would need to have it all in terms of material compatibility, chemical stability, performance, non-toxicity, non-flammability[..]
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District Heating

Geothermal energy: a sustainable heat source

In the midst of a global crisis around obtaining reliable and economical energy, geothermal energy offers a hopeful alternative.
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District Cooling

Sea Water Cooling System: Do You Know Its Potential For DC?

What is sea water cooling system? When trans-oceanic steam-powered ships discovered that sea water could condense exhaust steam into usable water, seawater for climate control was been born. Sea water district cooling has been made possible by modern technology that allows sizeable facilities such a[..]
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District Heating, District Energy, Thermal Energy Storage, District Cooling|Energy Industry

The keys for implementing a thermal energy storage system in district energy

The thermal energy storage system technology is pushing the way forward towards decarbonization in heating and cooling. Paired up with district energy structures, the right thermal storage tank allows developers to design more efficient district heating and district cooling while implementing renewa[..]
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District Energy, District Cooling

Screw compressor working principle and use in District Cooling

The chiller plant is one of the major systems of a district cooling plant. Others are the distribution network and the consumer system. The compressor, which is the focus of this post, is a critical component of a chiller plant. ARANER is an experienced provider of District Cooling solutions. We can[..]
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Turbine Inlet Air Cooling

CCGT Power Plant: the combined cycle

People keep inquiring about CCGT (Combined Cycle Gas Turbine) and OCGT (Open Cycle Gas Turbine) systems, cause of the popularity of natural gas for power generation. But as with all products, each of these systems has its pros and cons. The OCGT has a rather straightforward operation that starts wit[..]
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Turbine Inlet Air Cooling

Turbine Efficiency Formula: gas turbine calculations

Power generation is largely still based on natural gas. The gas turbine technology has lately been rushing towards harnessing natural gas power more efficiently. As a result, many users are now talking about efficiency of the gas turbine. On the other side, major turbine manufacturers are competing [..]
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District Cooling, Data Center

Data Center Redundancy

As companies increasingly rely on data centers for their business operations and digital infrastructure, ensuring a high level of security and reliability in terms of redundancy becomes paramount for data center infrastructure providers. Let's explore the details of data center redundancy.
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District Cooling

Industrial application of refrigeration: District Cooling&Data Centers

Industrial refrigeration isn’t air conditioning—it goes beyond that, both in scale and in the little details. Industrial refrigeration can be defined as the equipment and accessories projected to remove heat from large-scale processes or materials, lowering the temperature to a desired value. Depend[..]
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