District Cooling

Sustainable Cooling Technologies & Environmentally Friendly

In this new era that is the 21ST century, we have the possibility to re-adjust our tools, objectives and technologies to aim towards a greener, more efficient and sustainable future.
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Conventional cooling system vs District Cooling: disadvantages

Dependency on fossil fuels is close to coming to an end as global warming effects are noticeable more every year and new forms of energy are adapting to get to the top of the most useful, efficient, greener and effective alternatives. Particularly speaking about cooling systems, District Cooling Pla[..]
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Thermal Energy Storage

Flexible Energy Storage Implementation with TES Systems

Thermal Energy Storage (TES) are accumulators that store the available thermal energy to be used in a later stage. Its application to Cooling & Heating Plants provides many advantages when the energy demand is fluctuating:
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District Heating

District Heating Market Trends and Growth

The district heating continuous evolution from the earlier steam networks to actual hot water systems has been the major reconversion step in terms of efficiency. Nowadays, when decarbonization global policies are forcing these old schemes to create a mix for heat generation some fossil fuel technol[..]
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District Cooling

Air-cooled solutions are re-gaining the throne in the DC industry

The District Cooling Plants are playing an important role nowadays. Through the years, humanity has been technologically improving its homes, entertainment and works spaces. Air-cooled solutions have been turned into a necessity for our society and as all the other technologies that are always looki[..]
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District Heating

The fith District Heating generation, a solution for the future urban

District Heating (DH) systems present a high potential for the transition of the heat sector to a decarbonized ecosystem. The 5th DH generation allows the integration of renewable energies, improving the overall energy efficiency and help to the sector coupling.
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District Energy

Heat Waste Recovery for Power Generation

The world wastes a lot of heat every day. Take for instance the amount lost in traffic. As you press the gas pedal of your car, the tailpipe emits waste gases at a temperature of between 300 and 500̊C. Scenarios like this one make experts think about heat generation from waste heat. Globally, the he[..]
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District Energy

District Energy System in District Energy Cities

District Energy networks are solidly establishing in many cities across the globe. Those that already had the networks, for instance in Eastern Europe, demand the leading District Energy companies to continue modernizing the networks. You will be surprised that this technology is not new, but the in[..]
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Turbine Inlet Air Cooling

Turbine inlet air cooling: Problems with water Condensation

Every operator has the big role of promoting optimum efficiency of gas turbines and facing water condensation in TIAC. Given the economic upheavals of recent times, any technology or solution that generates profits through increased profitability worth a try. When gas turbines run efficiently, they [..]
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District Energy

Heat pumps heating: an energy-efficient alternative

Heat pump fundamentals A heat pump is a machine used for producing heating energy. It needs an electrical input and another system to extract heat from. It is a versatile solution for heating because most often those sources are available. The heat pump cycle principle consists of transferring heat [..]
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Thermal Energy Storage

Designing TES System: Satisfying the Cooling/Heating Needs

Cooling Needs Met by TES System Many industries need to store thermal energy during the periods of excess production for use during periods of high thermal energy needs. A TES system equalizes the production and the consumption of thermal energy and shaves the energy demand peaks. Another potential [..]
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Thermal Energy Storage

How Do You Get to Choose the Ideal TES Tank Material?

Office and commercial buildings have the largest percentage (about 70%) of their annual energy demand going into covering air conditioning load. These facilities happen to operate mostly during the day so they add to the daytime peak demand. Compared to the daily average load, the peak demand can be[..]
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