District Energy

Heat pumps heating: an energy-efficient alternative

Heat pump fundamentals A heat pump is a machine used for producing heating energy. It needs an electrical input and another system to extract heat from. It is a versatile solution for heating because most often those sources are available. The heat pump cycle principle consists of transferring heat [..]
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Thermal Energy Storage

Designing TES System: Satisfying the Cooling/Heating Needs

Cooling Needs Met by TES System Many industries need to store thermal energy during the periods of excess production for use during periods of high thermal energy needs. A TES system equalizes the production and the consumption of thermal energy and shaves the energy demand peaks. Another potential [..]
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Thermal Energy Storage

How Do You Get to Choose the Ideal TES Tank Material?

Office and commercial buildings have the largest percentage (about 70%) of their annual energy demand going into covering air conditioning load. These facilities happen to operate mostly during the day so they add to the daytime peak demand. Compared to the daily average load, the peak demand can be[..]
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District Cooling

District Cooling Company: Find out how we can help you

The district cooling market has made huge strides ever since the first DC system started operations in Denver Colorado in the 1930s and the Middle East witnessed its own about two decades ago. For an industry worth US$ 29 Billion by 2020 according to estimates, we can safely say that the world has r[..]
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Turbine Inlet Air Cooling

Power Recovery in Summer Periods: Power Plants during Warmer Days

The last two centuries have seen global energy demand increase significantly, spurred by the industrial and transportation sectors. We are now in the middle of the energy crisis as nonrenewable energy resources near exhaustion. The specific causes of this crisis are a ballooning population, energy o[..]
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District Cooling

District Cooling Guide by ASHRAE for Owners and DC Designers

The 2 000 terawatt-hours (TWh) of power consumed by buildings for cooling in 2018 was more than triple the energy demand for the same three decades ago, according to International Energy Agency. While most of the air conditioners available in the market are more energy-efficient, a lot needs to be d[..]
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Turbine Inlet Air Cooling

Gas Turbine Degradation in a Turbine Cooling System

Awareness of the environmental effects of industrial growth has intensified strive towards reduced carbon dioxide emissions. Indeed, modern society is increasingly concerned about energy efficiency because this aspect is linked to environmental degradation. Discussions about industrial energy often [..]
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District Cooling

Footprint in district cooling and heating plants

Why Footprint Optimization? One of the most critical points faced by engineers when developing the basis of a District Cooling and Heating plant (DCHP) is the footprint optimization.
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District Cooling

Industrial Chillers for DCPS: efficiency analysis

The cooling demand in urban areas is increasing because of comfort requirements, heat island challenges and internal heat loads. The relatively high temperatures of the Middle East and Africa are other significant drivers of district cooling demand. We are at a point where Saudi Arabia and fellow em[..]
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District Heating, District Cooling

Heat pump applications in industry: District Energy

Did you know District Energy Systems are essential for our cities in order to fight climate change, while remaining cost-effective and energy-efficient? The role of industrial heat pumps is key.
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Turbine Inlet Air Cooling

Industrial Efficiency Solutions: Decreasing Environmental Impact

As the global energy demand increases at an alarming rate, governments and other relevant entities are faced with difficult choices that will have serious ramifications in future. The future prosperity of populations is at a delicate balance owing to continued overreliance on coal, gas and other uns[..]
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Energy Industry

Energy Control Systems, Increasing Flexibility and Performance

Recent years have seen many industries initiate steps towards improved energy efficiency and better environmental responsibility. This shift has been prompted by many tangible benefits that include lower operation cost and minimal maintenance costs for equipment. While we must applaud the steps made[..]
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