District Cooling

District Cooling Meaning: the efficiency definition

District Cooling (DC) systems generate chilled water at a central plant and pipe the water to area buildings and the overall district to provide air conditioning. Centrally-located facilities should be custom-designed to adequately meet the specific cooling loads required by the premises served. Sin[..]
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Thermal Energy Storage

Thermal Energy Storage: ARANER's Cutting-Edge Technologies in TES

Thermal Energy Storage (TES) technologies are used in buildings and industrial processes as a way of optimizing cooling systems and reducing energy demand. These kinds of technologies are extremely relevant in the medium and long-term for improving the world’s current and future situation in terms o[..]
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Industrial Refrigeration: Everything You Always Wanted to Know

From the beginning of industrial refrigeration, when in the nineteenth century the first systems were developed for applications related to the food industry, until today, where the applications are increasingly diverse (District Cooling, Electricity Production, and Data Centers, amongst others), a [..]
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Electrical Safety Regulations for Chilling Plant with R717

One of the most widespread refrigerants used in the field of industrial cooling is R717 (Ammonia). The selection of the refrigerant is based on process parameters such as cooling temperature requirement, condensing pressure, plant nature, location, efficiency, etc… or simply due to availability. Usi[..]
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District Cooling, Thermal Energy Storage

Select, Size & Design TES Systems for District Cooling Plants

Whether we realize it or not, we are in the middle of an energy crisis. After decades of unprecedented development in all corners of the globe, the energy demand has become extremely high, being the economic development and the constant population growth in big cities its main drivers. When we consi[..]
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Turbine Inlet Air Cooling

Biomass Turbine Cooling in Power Plants: Changing the Model

The power production industry is changing. Increasingly, we encounter environmental challenges like climate change and the greenhouse effect, as well as the decline of fossil fuels reserves. This has led to the re-imagining and adaptation of power production from older carbon-based power plants to n[..]
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District Cooling

Emirates District Cooling: the development of Smart Cities

The rapid evolution of information and communication technologies has affected daily life in many ways: our ways of working, of spending our leisure time, of doing business, of travelling… All these different changes have influenced and will influence the development of so-called “smart cities”. New[..]
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District Cooling

Pump Efficiency: Key in DC Performance Dimension

District cooling provides chilled water in an efficient manner with minimal effect on the environment. A centralized cooling plant distributes the cooling water via a network to industrial, commercial, and multiple residential buildings. We must reiterate the huge dependence of the success of any DC[..]
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District Cooling

Condensing Units in District Cooling Systems

Have you ever imagined that there was a time when district cooling systems did not exist? It is even harder to imagine how life would be without this technology. Industry and developments would require full support of the grid and miss solutions offered by renewables and waste heat, among other bene[..]
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Thermal Energy Storage

Cooling Efficiency: When Water Diffuser Design Marks the Difference

Chilled water thermal energy storage (TES) has proven to be an effective technology for managing central cooling plants in some climates. Where it has been applied, this technology has often produced significant operating cost savings for owners, added flexibility to plant operations, and enhanced e[..]
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District Cooling

Innovative Refrigeration Systems for Your District Cooling Project

Air conditioning is so expensive that it is sometimes even difficult to place a figure on it. Many factors feature when you attempt to determine the cost of running an air conditioning system. Some of these are the level of service needed, amount of space being cooled and ambient air temperature. Th[..]
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Turbine Inlet Air Cooling

Repowering Power Plant: Reach Maximum Production and Efficiency

Repowering has many meanings, all pointing at replacement or improvement of design for better results. For instance, in the renewable energy sector, many operators are opting to dismantle and replace old turbines with new ones at the existing project sites. In the solar panels industry, repowering i[..]
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